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If You Can’t Cut ‘Em, We’ll Newcomb!

Asheville’s Tree Experts

For dead, damaged, or unwanted trees on your property, don’t try to take care of them yourself. Hire the experienced professionals of Newcomb Tree Service to handle any job with your property’s trees. We have over 20 years of experience performing tree services in Asheville, NC and all over Buncombe County. Our team is equipped with the tested skills and machinery to surgically trim or completely remove a tree, leaving the spot like it was never there to begin with. Leaving trees up that are dead or damaged is dangerous for you, your family, and your property. Don’t risk damage to your home or those you love. We’ll visit your property, evaluate the condition of your trees, and offer the best solution.

Explore What Our Company Has to Offer

Newcomb Tree Service invites you to find out more about our company and the services we provide:

  • Tree Services – Get your trees evaluated for their health and condition and keep them healthy with our tree trimming services. We also remove dead or unwanted trees, clear your lot or land, and help to clean up the damage after a storm.
  • Gallery – View images of our work to see the quality services we provide for our customers. We have examples of our trimming, tree removal, and storm damage cleanup. See the difference it makes when you hire a tree service provider with years of professional expertise.
  • About Us – Newcomb Tree Service has been in operation since 2006, providing outstanding tree trimming, removal, lot and land clearing, and storm damage cleanup for residents in Asheville and all of Buncombe County, NC.
  • Contact Us – If you have a problem with a sick or dead tree, crowded and overgrown branches and foliage, or damage from a storm that’s left your property in ruins, call us to get premium tree services and get your land back to its pristine condition.

Locally-Owned & -Operated Tree Experts

Don’t wait for the tree to fall before contacting Newcomb Tree Service. We’re a fully-insured company that offers our services at competitive pricing. Give us a call today to get a free estimate and discover the benefits of bringing in a professional to care for your trees. We also provide 24/7 emergency service.

Tree Trimming
Tree Removal
Storm Damage Cleanup

Contact Us Today

2585 US Hwy 70
Swannanoa, NC 28778


Services Available 24/7